Lesson 07: Disaster Management (part 1)

Unit 3 Introduction
Disaster Management

 Videoscreen capture of Unit 3 Introduction - Disaster Management
Click on the image above or the link below to
automatically play the streaming Quicktime movie in new window.
(Quicktime streaming file - length 2:28)
Use the following link to listen to an audio version of the unit intoroduction
(Unit3.mp3 file - size 1.2 mb - length 2:28)


This lesson begins our three week examination of emergency preparedness and disaster management. This first lesson covers basic concepts of disaster management as well as the National Incident Management System and Incident Command System. The assignments for this lesson are different than other lessons in that you will do most of your work on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Preparedness Institute website. You will complete the online training courses for the National Incident Management System and Incident Command System resulting in your basic certification in these areas. This basic knowledge will improve your ability to understand how geospatial intelligence can support interagency disaster preparedness and response activities.

FEMA Banner

Special Request

We have developed a survey to gather feedback about your experiences in the course so far. Your feedback on this survey will help us to identify areas of strength and needs for improvement. To complete the survey, please rutrn to the Lessons page in ANGEL and click on the Midterm Course Assessment Survey link at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: Information in this Survey is Strictly Confidential, and has NO Impact whatsoever on Course Grades. (We cannot track the submissions in any way.)

Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to complete it!