Lesson 0: Orientation


If you have any questions about the course content or structure, at any point in the course, please post them to our "General Discussion" discussion forum (instead of using private e-mail), located under the Communicate tab in ANGEL above. That way everyone can benefit from seeing the question and the answer! I will check that discussion forum daily, Monday through Friday, to respond. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help out a classmate!

Students are welcome to contact me by email anytime. I usually am able to respond within 24 hours. Although e-mail correspondence is preferred (through ANGEL), students may also contact me by telephone (see our Syllabus for contact information) from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.You should expect that all messages will be received and answered within 24 hours, but in rare cases it may take me longer to get back to you.