Lesson 01: Definitions, Scope, and Background


Please complete the following items for Lesson 01. You may wish to print this page to use as a checklist as you complete each item.

Steps to Completing Lesson 01
Study, view, and complete all the online activities for Lesson 01. You are in the Lesson 01 online content now. When you are ready to continue, click on the Next Page link at the bottom of the page.
Study the Wikipedia article on Geography. The Wikipedia article is referenced in part 5 of the lesson. You may also follow this link to the Wikipedia article on Geography.
Read: Chapter 1 in Harm de Blij's 2005 book Why Geography Matters New York: Oxford University Press. (On eReserve at the Penn State Library) Return to ANGEL and click on the Resources tab. Look in the Penn State Library Tools section of the page and click on the Library Reserves link.
Participate in "Lesson 01 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#1)". Instructions are provided at the bottom of part 8 of this lesson.