Discussion Forum - Analyzing an Ancient Map
The map below was drawn by the Greek geographer Hecataeus of Miletos around 520 BC. He shows the known world, surrounded by Oceanus. In this image the Nile is fed by Oceanus at its southern end, crosses the unknown territory of Asia, and ultimately drains into the Mediterranean in the well-known Delta.
Examine the image and identify two hydrological inconsistencies in this portrayal of the Nile. In other words, don’t worry about the geographic place names, but think about the river itself. Find two reasons why the river could not originate and flow as shown here.
Post your thoughts and opinions on the Lesson 5 Discussion Forum (this discussion forum can be accessed at any time by clicking on the Communicate tab in ANGEL and then looking in the Discussion Forums box.)

Hacataeus's Map. Source: Course in Religious Studies from Connecticut College